The vital Cubo compact system takes up no more space than a small cupboard. Dalelven has developed the unit that cleans water for hospitals.
The company Pure Water Scandinavia, PWS manufactures water treatment plants. They are mainly used in hospitals and laboratories, where the need for ultrapure water is great to sterilize instruments and perform sampling. Demand is high and the water purifier is exported to hospitals all over the world, from Australia to Mexico, Honduras and Pakistan.
In many hospitals, space is limited and Dalelven has worked on compressing and developing the product. Now the vital Cubo compact plant takes up no more space than a small cupboard.
“By making it compact, the availability of ultrapure water in hospitals increases, as it requires less space. I would say it is the world’s most compact water treatment plant. Competing facilities need five to ten times as much floor space,” says Lars Wiklund, owner of Pure Water Scandinavia.
The machine is also connected and can be monitored via the internet. It has automatic alarm functions and built-in manuals. Everything to produce ultra-pure water in a simple and reliable way.
“My goal was to produce a compact and easily accessible facility with the latest technology. Together with Dalelven, we have succeeded in producing such a product,” says Lars Wiklund.
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